The Advantages to Choosing a Local Custom Home Builder in Las Vegas
When building or renovating a custom home it is important to find the right custom home builder—one who is experienced and has a reputation for superior quality and service. The right builder will not only meet your expectations but exceed them when building your dream home.
The first, and often most important, decision on your custom home journey is deciding whether to go with a national builder or a local builder. At Merlin, we pride ourselves on being a local custom home builder and believe that there are distinct advantages to choosing a local firm to build or renovate your custom home in the Las Vegas area.
Advantage 1: Local Knowledge
In addition to construction knowledge and expertise, a local builder like Merlin has experiential knowledge which an “outsider” may not have. This valuable knowledge helps to accelerate your building schedule.
- Procedures – We have deep experience with local building permit procedures and processes like zoning and entitlement.
- Building Codes – Our substantial knowledge of local building codes and regulations/restrictions for HVAC, power, water, and other amenities saves time on pre-construction tasks.
Local Markets – We work in the area every day, so we are intimately familiar with the unique conditions of the Las Vegas market, including prices, climate, weather considerations, etc.
Advantage 2: Collaboration
Merlin has been doing business in and around Las Vegas for over 35 years, working collaboratively with local building departments, subcontractors, and other professionals.
- Local Building Departments – We are intimately familiar with Las Vegas building codes and regulations and foster a collaborative environment with local building departments where we can seek guidance on compliance to ensure that construction plans align seamlessly with requirements and minimize the risk of costly delays or rework.
- Subcontractors – We have long, trusted partnerships with loyal subcontractors who have proven track records of executing to our high standards. There is no guessing; there are no substitutions.
Other Professionals – We have established relationships with local architects, suppliers, and other professionals, such as designers, who work closely with us to ensure we have what we need when we need it.
Advantage 3: The Personal Touch
There is no substitute for individual support and attention. Our firm and our people are local and close by when needed. We work side-by-side with you throughout every phase of the project—from start to finish.
Advantage 4: Accountability
We’ve worked hard to build a reputation for outstanding quality and exceptional customer service in the Las Vegas area. Our neighboring businesses and homeowners know us. They rely on us and hold us accountable on each and every project. And they know where to go if they have questions or concerns.
Advantage 5: We’re a part of the community
Merlin is a part of the greater Las Vegas community.
- We live here.
- We employ local people—staff, subcontractors, designers, etc.
- We source building materials from local vendors.
- We support local charities.
- We care about what happens here.
We would love to hear from you if you are considering building a custom home in Las Vegas. Schedule A Project Consultation With Merlin Custom Home Builders today!
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