Custom Remodel at Queensridge Place
This custom remodel, appropriately named Desert Jewel, is truly one-of-a-kind. A small remodel that grew into a complete overhaul spanning nearly four years, this elegant apartment—which is as unique as its owner—creates the feeling of being inside an elaborate jewelry box.
Giving the owner exactly what she wanted took patience, persistence, and the utmost precision. To move walls and redesign the floor plan of the apartment, valves in the ceiling and floor drains needed to be relocated. To do this in a building in which all the pipes are connected to each other, the pipes that feed the apartment were frozen, allowing work to continue without disturbing other residents.
Precision was paramount to creating the desired effect in the elevator foyer to the apartment. The opal and 24K gold flooring—at $1K per square foot—required perfection in cutting and installation to precisely align the X’s in the design. The distinguished flooring complements the Corvette-red, automotive-finish elevator doors, which are framed with a Chandra Palace Mirror, and adds to the over-the-top elegance of the entranceway.
Once inside, stainless polished mirror finishes and distinct accents contribute to the jewelry box feel. One such distinct accent can be found in the powder room which features an amethyst slab countertop and matching tissue box.
The absence of televisions—that is, televisions that you can’t see until you want to—further adds to the ambiance. The main suite features a bed made of Japanese silk panel art screens and polished mirror frames and a television that emerges from a lift in the ceiling. In the stately library, access to the television is provided by opening the ornately milled library panels. Additional televisions in the bathroom and kitchen appear as mirrors when not in use.
The kitchen is the owner’s masterpiece, a meticulous fusion of lives lived on land and sea. The owners planned the details of the kitchen down to the millimeter to match their cherished yacht.
This beautiful, creative home is a sight to behold.
Area: 4,826 sq. ft.
Levels: One (12th floor)
Year Completed: 2015

© Roger Davies/OTTO (designed by Roger Thomas)