The recent outbreak of the COVID-19 virus has changed the way many firms across the nation – and around the world – do business, including Merlin Custom Home Builders. Like many others, we are continuing to operate throughout this pandemic while taking extra precautionary measures to minimize risk and ensure the safety of our crews, our partners and, of course, our clients. Leading the way as we navigate through this unprecedented era in our nation’s history is Roberto Gomez-Rubio, Merlin’s Safety Director.
Roberto, who joined the Merlin team earlier this year, has a wealth of knowledge and experience in risk management and construction safety. A former 3rd Party Inspector and OSHA Authorized Outreach Provider and Trainer, Roberto has been instrumental in developing and implementing a safety protocol for our construction projects.
Roberto works closely with the construction crew and our on-site partners to ensure the safety measures are being followed to avoid contracting and spreading COVID on the job; monitoring and researching the situation daily to guarantee that we are complaint with OSHA-required COVID-19 mandates, CDC directives and other preventative actions.
Some of our newly-established on-site procedures to avoid spreading and contracting COVID on the job include:
- Coordinating CDC and OSHA-required COVID-19 mandates with the Site Manager and other officials.
- Adhering to the Social Distancing requirements; ensuring that all Merlin employees and sub-contractors maintain a 6 foot distance between persons at all times.
- Pre-construction meetings with building security regarding rules for entering and exiting the building.
- Limiting elevator usage to 2 persons at a time.
- Controlling deliveries by requiring 24-hour notice to the project’s Superintendent.
- Monitoring of all on-site crew members through a daily questionnaire.
- Requiring OSHA 30 or OSHA 10 cards.
- Daily COVID-19 Awareness Meetings with the entire crew.
- Providing handwashing and sanitation stations as well as proper trash receptacles at the job site.
- Performing hourly sanitation checks throughout the workday, including disinfecting door handles, elevator call buttons, etc.
- Posting all required CDC and OSHA guidance in both English and Spanish.
When it comes to managing business throughout this viral outbreak, Roberto and the team of Merlin Custom Home Builders are taking every step necessary to minimize the risk at the job site while keeping our custom home construction projects on-schedule and on-budget. Our team is going above and beyond to ensure that our clients and partners receive the same world-class services to which they have become accustomed…all while doing everything they can to limit or prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
We will continue to update our policies and procedures as more information and guidance is released by OSHA and the CDC. We are all in this together and will work together to ensure the health and safety of everyone we work with.
Stay safe everyone!
Merlin COVID-19 Daily Desease_Health Assesment